Applicant Requirements
Grant support is provided by the Thomas R. Nickoloff Family Foundation (the “Foundation”) at the sole discretion and determination of the Foundation Trustee to non-profit, tax-exempt organizations as defined under section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. The Foundation will review grant applications submitted by qualified, tax-exempt organizations with a primary focus consistent with the Foundation’s core values and mission of “Promoting Excellence in Educational Outcomes” and that assume legal, fiscal, and administrative responsibility for approved grants (the “Organization(s)”).
Prior to submitting a grant application, a representative of an Organization must meet with the Foundation Trustee (or an Advisory Board or staff member designated by Trustee) to ensure the program proposal is in keeping with the Foundation’s mission. If Trustee determines that the Foundation is interested in considering a grant proposal from an Organization, the Foundation will forward a full grant application. No grant proposals or applications will be considered without following this process.
Grant Amounts and Duration
Organizations may apply once yearly for grant support. Multi-year grants may also be considered but would be structured as one-year grants renewable annually at the sole discretion of the Foundation. Any and all grant funds, if any, awarded by the Foundation to an Organization shall be used solely for the explicit purposes noted in a grant application as use of funds.
Any grants made by the Foundation shall be issued in accordance with its standard Grant Agreement, a copy of which can be obtained from the Foundation’s Administrative Director or Trustee(s).
Grant Application and Timeline
Grant applications shall be accepted and considered by the Foundation twice annually, according to the following schedule: Applications may be submitted between February 1 and May 1 for consideration at the Foundation’s June Board Meeting and between August 1 and November 1 for consideration at the Foundation’s December Board Meeting. Completed applications must be postmarked by May 1 or November 1 in order to be considered.
Review Process
Foundation staff shall review timely submitted and complete grant applications with specific attention paid to applications that articulate a compelling vision and action plan and provide materials, data and information as shall be required in the Foundation’s standard Grant Agreement. Grant applications that are considered appropriate and complete by Foundation staff shall be presented to the Foundation Advisory Board and Trustee(s) for additional evaluation.
The Advisory Board and Trustee(s) shall review such grant applications for each funding cycle, with final funding decisions made at the Foundation’s June and December Board meetings. Applicants will be notified as to the status of their applications the week following each meeting. Notwithstanding the above, the Foundation Advisory Board and Trustee(s) are not obligated to consider any submitted grant application and may at their sole discretion hold any grant application for review and consideration during a subsequent funding cycle.
Categories of Support
The following categories may serve as a guideline to applicants in determining whether their programs are consistent with the Foundation’s core mission of “Promoting Excellence in Educational Outcomes”.
- Proven and Effective Educational Programming/Initiatives:
- School Based Programs
- After School Programs
- Academic and Foundation Research Focused on:
- Policy, Programming and Initiatives to Improve Educational Outcomes
- School Safety Initiatives
- Arts Education Outreach Programs
For more information email admin@TRNFamilyFoundation.org